Flux Federation News

Flux introduces FlexiBill with the strength of Gorilla

Written by Flux Federation | Mar 7, 2021 11:43:42 PM

What do a pioneering utility software company at the bottom of the world and an ambitious Belgian pricing app provider have in common? Aside from solid banter and a whole lot of smarts, they share a healthy respect for the power of co-created value, and a desire to positively disrupt the energy industry.

Flux partnered with Gorilla in 2020 to build a billing engine capable of leading utilities into the future to meet rapidly evolving and emergent client demands. Recognising the advantages of the specialist capability already championed by Gorilla, we chose partnership over in-house development to deliver exponential value to clients at pace. Gorilla’s focus on collecting, processing and analysing critical business data in the utility space, makes it a perfect match for Flux’s ambitions to simplify and demystify billing in the energy industry.
Flux’s philosophy on integration, which includes partnering with other cloud-based tech suppliers, lends itself nicely to such a strategic partnership. It allows Flux to leverage Gorilla’s specialisation and knowledge to co-create value in Flux’s FlexiBill product. Gorilla enhances this product by modelling the complex algorithms required to provide accurate and automated billing for Flux’s global energy industry clients.

FlexiBill offers energy retailers the ability to serve highly complex Commercial and Industrial customers or DER connections. This cloud-native, automated algorithmic billing system is designed to bill any tariff and price any plan, whether they apply to one connection or many. As business needs change, the system flexes and scales for growth thanks to a philosophy of configurability above customisation. And scaling up is both simple and low-cost; a cloud-based delivery model allows for continuous, efficient and low-risk product improvements with a sophisticated test environment.

Flux clients and their customers benefit from more accurate reconciliation and reduced errors, debt and billing exceptions, given the product’s automated data validation. Bills are not generated until after validation has been run, and are easily understood by the end user. Energy data is accessible and digestible, allowing clients to make informed, data-driven decisions for product and service improvement. Put simply, we believe we offer the most advanced billing engine globally available.

Gorilla is young, smart and ambitious. It shares Flux’s desire to positively disrupt the energy industry by demystifying and simplifying the traditionally complex field of pricing. Flux’s new algorithms have modelled and automated the complexity required to bill the C&I energy sector, uniquely providing transparency and thus generating trust, thanks to easily called on and reported source data. Beyond this, our partnership means Flux can rapidly respond to opportunities without the need to build market differentiators. Flux’s clients will benefit from incremental value delivered sooner, providing them invaluable advantages of speed to market and agile learning.

While the rapid rise of prosumers, DER, microgrids and the internet of things shape the future of energy, alongside global threats such as climate change, utilities will need to keep pace to remain competitive and compliant. Does your energy retail business need space to imagine the future in a world of flexible billing? Talk to Flux about how our flexible billing product with the strength of Gorilla can enable your business to lead the way in a rapidly evolving environment.